TO THE POINTE SUSAN LEVINE, HPA PRESIDENT JANUARY 31, 2025 Good Morning Residents, CLUBHOUSE The 2024 – 2025 H.P. Directory is now available for pick up from the Clubhouse Front Desk. Only one directory will be issued per H.P. address and must be signed for. Strickley Doors started to replace the chipped door frames on Monday. This project should be completed by next week. During “Season” the card rooms fill up quickly. If you find that all the tables are taken in every card room, please go to the front desk, let them know and they will have tables set up in the Pre-function room or Ballroom. We have contacted the vendor who installed our sound system. We informed them about the problems we are having during our meetings on Zoom in the ballroom. This problem is unrelated to our sound system. They will work with us to try and resolve this problem. OLD POOL FURNITURE If you are interested in any of the old furniture, please send an email with your contact information and the pieces you are interested in to We will contact you next week. NEW OUTDOOR FURNITURE We are aware that there is a problem with a couple of the new chairs. WDG was notified and they have contacted the manufacturer. WDG stands behind every item they sell us. CAFE – DINNER BEFORE THE SHOW – SATURDAY 2/1/2025 Reservations are still available from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. To reserve a table and Pre-Order call 774-634-9910. To view the menu go to our website under cafe-updates. CAFE – FEBRUARY DAILY SPECIALS To view the Daily Specials for February click on the button below. MAIN OUTDOOR/INDOOR POOLS Please remember to dry off before entering the clubhouse from these pools. We are waiting for the new floor mats to be delivered. OUTDOOR DINING Before the leveling of the pathway for the new pavers began, some of the new landscaping shrubs around the pool had to be removed. These new shrubs were put into pots and stored on the side of the pool. After the leveling was completed those shrubs were replanted. Additional palm trees and plants had to be planted as per the PBC landscaping department. FITNESS STUDIO To view the February schedule click on the button below. MOVIES – TUESDAYS/THURSDAYS 3:30 PM & 7:30 PM To view the February schedule click on the button below. HPA SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 27, 2025 – SUMMARY The Board approved the following: Motion to approve the Clubhouse roofing project with Crest Roofing & Bonded Lightning Protection based on specs by Jack Brown and Associates at a cost not to exceed $1,000,000. Funds to come from Reserves. Tennis & Pickleball Court Discussion. Pool & Spa Discussion. The entire meeting is available to view on our website. BOX OFFICE HOURS NEXT WEEK ONLY Monday 9:30am – 11:30 am – Wednesday 9:00 am – 11:00 am. CLUBHOUSE ROOFING PROJECT Crest Roofing has been notified that they have been selected as our clubhouse roofing vendor for this project. Once their contract is received, it will be reviewed by our Attorney. Our Roofing Board Liaison will be Mark Donovan, who just finished overseeing the Phase II roofing project. MID ATLANTIC MEN SHOW – SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2025 Saturday night‘s show will start promptly at 8 PM. Please be on time seating will start at 7:15 PM. Please have your tickets available for entry into the theater. If you use a walker please tag it with your name and seat number. Walkers are not allowed to be placed up against the stage. An Usher will take your walker and return it after the show. Please follow our Theater Etiquette which includes NO Shorts. The BOX OFFICE will be open on Saturday night from 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm for last-minute ticket sales. HPA MUSIC AT THE POOL – OH WHAT AN AFTERNOON! There were 100+ residents at the main pool Sunday, enjoying the beautiful weather and listening to the music of DJ SALTY. Thank you to the Events Committee for giving us the first of our monthly Music at the Pool events. H.P.A. ART SHOW – SAVE THE DATE Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm This event will be held in our Ballroom. See the Painting and Crafting talents of many of our residents. For more information contact Howard Neiman@516-263-8733 or Joan Senator@ 561-908-0709. HEALTH EXPO – SAVE THE DATE Friday, February 21, 2025. 10:00 am – 12 noon. The second annual Health Expo will be held in our clubhouse ballroom. For more information and to view the flyer click on the button below. FEBRUARY IS AN EVEN MONTH ENJOY LIFE! Susan |
January 2025