TO THE POINTE SUSAN LEVINE, HPA PRESIDENT APRIL 19, 2024 Good Morning Residents, CLUBHOUSE – NO PARKING IN FRONT OF THE CLUBHOUSE There seems to be an epidemic of leaving cars to just run inside. Please be advised that your car will be subject to a violation STICKER on your window or being TOWED. The Theater sound system has been adjusted. May we suggest, those who use hearing devices connect to our Hearing Loop System. CAFE – SUMMER HOURS Effective MAY 1st, the cafe will be open from 8:00am – 2:00pm. Two additional lunch menus will be available starting MAY 1st. To view each menu, please click on the buttons below. HPA BOD MEETING APRIL 15, 2024 – SUMMARY Larry Zabik, our Owners Rep. presented an update on the Clubhouse close out, the Pools, the Spa and Maintenance Building. He recommended that HP select DC Construction to proceed with our Maintenance Building. HPA Board VP Wayne Goodman, gave a presentation on the $4MM borrowed from South State Bank at an interest rate of 3.7%. The original $2MM borrowed will be paid back over 10 years from our Community Contribution Fund, which is part of our reserves. The concern is how do we pay back this additional $2MM to the bank. The Board discussed his presentation and decided to wait one more month before making a decision on either keeping or returning part of the money. NO DECISIONS have been made at this time for future projects. Once the Board makes a decision on the money, then we will decide which projects to do. The Boards responsibility for all the Common Property is to maintain, repair and/or replace. Our top priority is the renovation of the satellite pools and to purchase new furniture for those pools. Whether there are 2 or 200 Tennis or Pickleball players those courts must be maintained. The Board approved the following motions: To purchase 2 additional AED devices with waterproof cabinets, To allow the training of a few residents to assist with the audio and lighting at only the Theater Arts rehearsals, to add additional Holiday Lights to our front entrance and to contract with DC Construction to build our Maintenance Building. Our Board meeting is available for viewing on our website. HPA BOD MEETINGS The purpose of the HPA Board meetings is for the Board to interact with each other and to take care of the business at hand. Some meetings have more issues to discuss than others. In addition, any resident has the right to speak for up to 3 minutes before a vote is taken. This all attributes to longer meetings. BINGO TONIGHT – 7:00pm – BALLROOM Please arrive by 6:30pm to purchase your cards and markers. All money taken in is returned to the residents as prize money. SAVE THE DATE – JULY 4th – ALL YOU CAN EAT BBQ & ENTERTAINMENT Please join us on Thursday July 4th @ 5:00pm in the ballroom. Limited admission. Reservations only. Tickets go on sale at the box office on MAY 20th. For complete details, please click on the button below. HPA & PHASE DOCUMENTS They are now all Password protected. To access the new portal, go to If you already have an account, you can log in with your own user and password. If you do not have an account click the “sign up” button. If you have a registration key and account number, your login request is automatically approved. If you do not have the registration key, click “I don’t have a portal key or account number”. Submit your information, the office will receive it for review, once approved you will be emailed your registration key. SPECIAL WISHES We send very Happy Birthday wishes to Estelle Lashen, who resides in Phase III, she will be celebrating her 104th Birthday today, Friday April 19, 2024. MEMORIAL DAY Are you a KOREAN WAR VETERAN? Please contact Harvey Shapiro @ 516-610-4747 in preparation for our Memorial Day service. SUNPASS SCAM DO NOT respond to any emails or texts from SunPass asking for payment to your account or for personal Information. Any questions or concerns, you can call SunPass @ 888-865-5352. ENJOY LIFE! Susan CAFE – MAY DAILY SPECIALS LOBSTER ROLL LUNCH – MENU SAVE THE DATE – JULY 4TH BBQ |
To The Pointe 04/19
April 2024